All About - Pajone Foods House

Since our establishment in 2023, as Pajone Foods House, we have been bringing the right products to our consumers with our 3 café branches, nearly 30 employees and over 40 sales points to date. As Moscow‘s first internationally integrated cafeteria, we boast of continental cuisines, snacks, appetizers, and leading food varieties for different personalities without any age, nationality and conditional-health barriers. In addition to pizzas, salads, toast, sandwiches, hamburger breads, we offer our wide portfolio of lavash, sweet-salty snacks, pastry and professional products to meet all our consumers needs.

As a company that adds a new dimension to fast foods production, we believe that our duty is not limited to producing quick and healthy foods only, but also includes providing high quality services to our customers. Pajone Foods, which is currently the undisputed leader of the fast food deliveries in Moscow since the day it was founded, with its campaigns ofTaste it and Love it!” slogan we are emerging everyone’s go-to place. Thanks to our expert chefs’ works and with the slogan, we are quickly creating a new brand category in the Moscow fast food industry and becoming the most well-known cafe brand even in Moscow-suburb – Kommunarka.

Based on these fundamental strengths, we have reaching our current distribution network, which includes 3 café locations in-view, 40 distribution points and a daily supply capacity of 500 – 800 orders, and we continue to create added value thanks to our expert chefs and fast delivery capacity.

Of course, we are aware of our main duty, which is to put our customers at the center of our activities and to offer them the best quality of services. In this context, we take care to follow the latest developments and innovation in varieties of kitchen technologies. However, we are also aware that being innovative will not be enough for us to continue our activities. For this reason, as Pajone Foods, we have integrated sustainability into all departments of our café organization, and we are also taking concrete steps to make our operations mindful of the future with our reliable customers. Just make your order right now and be convinced! 

….Taste it…! ….Love it…!


Headquarters of – Pajone Foods House is located at: Scandinavian Boulevard, 2k6, Kommunarka, Moscow.

(Штаб-квартира Pajone Foods House расположена по адресу: Скандинавский бульвар, 2к6, Коммунарка, Москва.)

Contact Person: John Nelson Chuks

INN: 7707083893

OGRNIP: 323508100514151

Telephone: +79252066368

Postal Address: 108801, Kommunarka.
